Second Day at the Gym

Recovering from an injury is hard work, not so much for the body but much more for the mind.

The mind corrupts somtimes and I get thoughts like ” whats the point? I might never recover!

But after overcoming all the negativity of the mind, the body is ready to heal.

It was great to finally get the green card from my doctor and to be able to exercise.

The second day at the gym I did the following routine :

10 Minutes of walking on the treadmill

Full Body Streching

15 minutes Cross Trainer

15 minutes cycling ( on a bike with back support)

Floor exercises like IRON MAN and Lower Back streghtening exercise

Pushups by leaning on a wall and  Squats with the help of a medicine Ball


The Pushups was tough and I have incredibly sore triceps!

It is important to keep the back straight while doing these… so that was something I was very careful about!


Stay Tuned for my Back Pain Routine !

More on this in subsequent Posts!

A Walk in the historical town of Sira

The best way to keep fit is to do something active that you love to do. For me this involves travelling and exploring cities on foot.

It can be really adventurous and you discover things that you would never have seen from a car.

Being on foot really helps to see a place better and also helps you to keep fit!

This is a  travelogue about my walk in the historical town of Sira. This is located 50 kms from Tumkur and was founded by Rangappa Naik.However much later after the Bijapur kingdom fell into the hands of Aurangazeb , Dilawar Khan was appointed governor of Sira. He transformed the city into a beautiful place, with gardens and palaces. His legacy survives even to this day.

We took a 12km walk which you can do in a circle :

Start point :  Tomb of Malik Rihan (called ” Badi dargah”)

It is a beautiful monument, lying unattended , on the side of a busy highway. Its ornate carvings suggest on the regalia of the time gone by.

Abandoned House, Behind Jamia Masjid, Sira , Tumkur

A Lost World

Jamia Masjid Sira Tumkur

Second Monument : Jamia Masjid

This Masjid is a small one. However its beauty sparkles like a diamond , on a bright sunny day.

It is absolutely beautiful and a very spiritual place.

Jamia Masjid Sira Tumkur 1


Third Monument : Tippus Fort

This is a huge fort . However due to neglect and misuse a lot of its grandeur has been spoiled.  Many of the locals use it as a toliet and it is a haven for drunkards who want a quiet place to shake off their hangover.

However even through the neglected rubble one cannot help but admire the fort. It is surrounded by a huge moat and there is a network of canals to supply water throughout the fort. Some of the ruins like the palaces and the “samadhi” of the king and the queen are in absolute ruin. It was surprising to see carvings of anjaneya swamy a hindu god at the entrance of the fort. The circular wall of the fort is a little higher and from the top one can see the hills in the distance and the ” dodda kere” a large lake bordering Sira town.

Unfortunately we could not find a guide to tell us more about the history of the place. It is a beautiful place, but we were saddened to see the disinterest of the locals to preserve their own culture and heritage.


A Walk back to the bus stop totals 12 kms.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Tippus Fort In Sira , Tumkur

Tippus Fort In Sira , Tumkur

My First Day at a Gym in Bangalore

I have always been an outdoor person and until recently could not stand to be in a gym.

Gyms to me always seemed like these dreary factories in England during the industrial revolution.

and it seemed really pointless to me at the time.

But  Life in its infinite wisdom thought me a hard lesson.

After a painful episode with my back and neck , due to poor conditioning of my back muscles , I suffered from bulging discs.

It limited my life and kept me from everything I loved to do (Read : Trekking , Travelling , Cycling, Swimming).

This is when I realized how important flexibility and strength training really is.

So this is why I hit the gym.

I had a trainer who smiled a lot and I loved the streching machine. The gym that I go to is a little airy compared to most gyms in Bangalore. It is airconditioned , which I hate, but I guess as far as gyms go you dont have much of a choice in Bangalore.

It was not as bad I imagined it to be. The only thing was that they made me listen to Britney Spears while I was working out!


Stay tuned for more of my Fitness adventures right here !

Exercises for the Eyes

Eye Exercises


NOTHING could be more evident than the fact that exercise of the eyes will strengthen these organs just as exercise of any other part of the body will strengthen that part.

Exercise of any group of muscles not only tends directly to strengthen those muscles, but it so improves the circulation as to improve the condition of the adjacent parts. If any part of the body is weak, flabby, ineffective, exercises which involve the use of the muscles in that region will have a strengthening and toning-up effect. This applies with special force to exercises for the muscles of the eye.

Most persons will be surprised, perhaps even amazed, at the improvement in the condition of the eyes, resulting from two or three weeks of proper exercise of the eye muscles. This does not mean that one should keep up this work for only two or three weeks. If you will make it a daily practice you can expect to enjoy strong eyes and good vision to perhaps the end of life.



Exercise 1.—Turn and stretch the eyes far to the left.



Exercise 1 (Continued).—Then turn and stretch them far to the right, continuing the movement back and forth from left to right ten times or more.



Exercise 2.—Turn the eyes upward, that is to say, look as far upward as possible without raising the head.



Exercise 2 (Continued).—Then, without moving the head, lower the eyes, looking as far down as possible. Continue raising and lowering the eyes ten times or more.



Exercise 3.—Raising the eyes, look upward obliquely to the left.



Exercise 3 (Continued).—Then lower them obliquely to the other side, looking downward toward the right. Repeat ten times or more.



Exercise 4.Raise the eyes upward obliquely to the right.



Exercise 4 (Continued).—Then stretch them obliquely downward to the left. Continue back and forth ten times or more.



Exercise 5.—Roll the eyes around in a circle, to the left upward, to the right downward, so on around. Then reverse, rolling them the other way around. Continue until slightly tired.



Exercise 6.—Shut the eyes tightly and vigorously, squeezing the eyelids together as firmly as possible. Open and repeat ten times or more.



Exercise 7.—This is an exercise that should be performed without strain, and at first with only two to four repetitions at a time. Simply look cross-eyed as though trying to see the bridge of the nose with both eyes at once.


You will find that these exercises are very simple indeed. You should practice them not once a day, but a number of times each day. You can practice them while dressing in the morning, while undressing in the evening, while out on your walks, while sitting in the car, or even while taking your meals. But you should set aside some particular time for this special purpose, whether it be morning or evening, else they are more than likely to be crowded out. At this time you should follow the eye exercises by a little of the massage treatment described in Chapter XVII, and in the end use the eye bath, described in Chapter XVIII.

One of the most vigorous of eye exercises, and one extremely effective for gaining voluntary control of the muscles of the eyes, is the practice of looking cross-eyed. A great many persons will naturally shrink from the thought of such an exercise from the fear that it may produce a permanent condition of strabismus.



Eye Exercise Diagram No. 1.— (Explanation in text.)


   The fact is that the ability to look cross-eyed voluntarily indicates a good muscular condition and good control of the muscles concerned, and a person with a tendency to involuntary squint will find the practice one of the best ways in the world to correct that condition.



Eye Exercise Diagram No. 2.— (Explanation in text.)


Another very simple method of exercising the eyes will be found in a system of following lines drawn within a large circle, or an imaginary system of lines based upon any diagram, such as those illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Suppose that the circle represents the completerange of vision attained by rolling the eyes around. Imagine, then, that this circle occupies the space on the wall of the room, in front of you, that you can see by rolling your eyes around. Then imagine a series of lines or a continuous line running from side to side, as in Eye Exercise Diagram No. 1, from the top of the circle to the bottom. Now, starting at the top, follow on the wall with your eyes just such an imaginary scheme of lines as that in the diagram. Practice this a few moments with one eye first, then with the other, finally with both eyes together, and then go on to the exercise suggested in Diagram Mo. 2. In Diagram No. 3 the eye starts in the center, then traces out a circular, or to be more exact, an imaginary spiral line, until the circling of the entire range of vision is attained. The head must not be moved.



Eye Exercise Diagram No. 3.— (Explanation in text.)

If you follow the eye exercises offered in the photographic illustrations there will be no need of adding these imaginary line-tracing exercises. But you may find them interesting as a change.

Eye Exercises That Relieve Eye Strain


Eye push-ups
This exercise trains your eyes to work together to aim at the same task, which can help prevent eyestrain.

Hold a pen in front of your face, about an arm’s length away. Move it toward your nose slowly, staring at the same place on the pen. Bring the pen as close as you can to the tip of your nose before you see a double image.

Change your focus

This exercise helps you cut down on eye fatigue.

Hold a book or newspaper as close to your eyes as you can without the print becoming blurred. Stare at the words for 15 seconds. Then, look at an object approximately 10 feet away and stare at that for 15 seconds. Repeat five times.

The eye roller coaster

This exercise improves the flow of blood and oxygen to your eyes.

Close your eyes and slowly roll them in a complete circle. Then, move them from right to left. Repeat three times.

Palming and cupping

This exercise relaxes your eyes.

If you wear contact lenses, remove them. Close your eyes and put the fleshy part of your palms over them. Press gently for a few seconds. Then, cup your hands over your open eyes. Keep your eyes open and look into your palms as you breathe slowly through your nose for 30 seconds.

Exercises with a medicine Ball -Really Fun!

Medicine Ball Training (Courtesy :

The ability to generate strength and power is a very important component for success in many sports, particularly in those involving explosive movements. Medicine ball training, in conjunction with a program of weight training and circuit training, can be used to develop strength and power. Certain medicine ball exercises can also be used as part of a plyometric trainingprogram to develop explosive movements. Medicine ball training is appropriate to all levels of ability, age, development and sport. To be most effective the program should contain exercises that match the pattern of movements of the sport.

Planning a program

The following are some guidelines (Jones 1997)[1] in planning and running a medicine ball session:

  • Always ensure the athletes carry out a thorough warm up and cool down
  • Before starting a session, explain the procedures for each exercise with your athletes
  • Partners who feed the medicine ball on certain exercises should be well drilled on what is required
  • Medicine ball exercises must precede high intensity work
  • Start sessions with lighter less dynamic exercises, then progress to heavier exercises
  • The program should have exercises that match the pattern of movements of the sport
  • Plan the program to exercise alternate body parts (legs, upper body, torso)
  • You will need to have a number of different weights of ball available – heavy, medium and light
  • Initially, athletes should use a light weight ball and gradually progress to heavier ones
  • Check there is sufficient space (including ceiling height) and that the structure of the walls are safe if any rebounding exercises are used
  • Maintain good discipline as medicine balls can be dangerous if used incorrectly
  • An effective work-out with medicine balls can be achieved in about 30 to 40 minutes, if the athlete works efficiently
  • Quality of movement is more beneficial than quantity of exercise repetitions or sets

Technique and Safety

To ensure personal safety and good technique while doing medicine ball exercises the following points should be remembered (Jones 1997)[1]:

  • Complete throws with full extension of the arms
  • On standing exercises plant feet before beginning to throw the ball
  • Always use the full joint range in the correct sequence in carrying out each exercise
  • Maintain technique – do not sacrifice control for distance
  • Inexperienced athletes should not take the ball too far back behind the head when carrying out overhead throws
  • When picking a ball, ensure the knees are bent and the back is kept straight
  • When carrying out exercises lying on your back, ensure the lower back always remains in contact with the surface
  • Prior to a catch, ensure you:
    • keep arms extended
    • keep hands together
    • keep eyes on the ball
    • reach out to meet the ball prior to making contact
    • do not attempt to catch balls thrown wildly


Standing torso twist

  • Stand back to back 1 metre apart
  • Keep your hips facing forward and legs slightly relaxed
  • Pass the ball to one another by only twisting the torso

Two sets of ten repetitions (2 x 10)

Torso Twist Torso Twist Torso Twist


Hamstring curls

  • Lie flat on the ground
  • Roll the ball along the back of legs
  • On reaching the heels the ball is flicked up

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Hamstring Curl Hamstring Curl Hamstring Curl


Chest push

  • Feet together
  • Hands behind ball and elbows out
  • Step forward and push ball upwards and towards your partner

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Chest Push Chest Push


Vertical extensions

  • Stand back to back approx. 60cm apart
  • Ball is passed overhead
  • Ball is returned between the knees

One set of ten repetitions (1 x 10)

Vertical Extension Vertical Extension Vertical Extension


Lay back double arm throw

  • Support your back with a large medicine ball
  • Throw another medicine ball to your partner
  • Partner returns ball to an overhead position

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Arm Throw Arm Throw Arm Throw


Double leg kicks

  • Lie on your back
  • Soles of feet facing partner
  • Partner stands 3 metres away
  • Partner throws ball in a looping path onto your feet
  • Bending your knees back to your chest the ball is then kicked back to your partner
  • Do not lower your legs to the ground

Two sets of ten repetitions (2 x 10)

Kick Back Kick Back


Straight arm standing throw

  • Place one foot 50 cm behind the other
  • Take the ball back, ensure hands are high, shoulders stretched and chest out
  • Step forward and throw the ball to your partner, keeping the arms straight

Two sets of eight repetitions (2 x 8)

Standing Throw Standing Throw


Abdominal curl

  • Sitting up slightly, resting on your hands
  • Knees bent
  • Ball is held by the knees
  • Draw knees up to the chest
  • Return to the starting position

One set of twelve repetitions (1 x 12)

Curl Curl

How much?

An effective workout with medicine balls can be achieved in about 30 to 40 minutes, if the athlete works efficiently. Carry out two or three sessions per week with a recovery period of 36 to 48 hours between sessions. Each session should be made up of 8 to 10 exercises with the athlete performing 2 to 3 sets of each exercise. If the athlete is to develop strength and muscular endurance then conduct 6 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. If the athlete is to develop muscular endurance rather than strength then conduct 12 to 30 repetitions.

The weight of medicine ball – 3Kg for boys and 2Kg for girls.

Exercises For Coccyx Pain

Anal lock

This exercise is done in bed, morning and evening. It involves the same muscles you use to “hold on” when you need to go to the toilet but can’t get there right away. The muscles are tensed and held for 10-15 seconds, repeatedly. Full instructions are given on

Weightless squats

Repeatedly go from this position to standing.



running and walking on a treadmill, 40 minutes a day, 4 times a week

Hamstring stretch


Clam shell exercise


clam shell closed clam shell open

Inversion therapy

This method involves hanging upside down at an angle on an inversion table, with the feet fastened in position. This applies traction to the spine.

inversion table

Complete Body Streches

Stretch exercises for the upper body will allow you to stretch the following muscle groups:

  • Neck (Trapezius)
  • Shoulders (Deltoids)
  • Chest (Pectorals)
  • Abs (Abdominals)
  • Back (Lats, Lower Back)
  • Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Forearms)

Neck #1 – Head Tilt Forward

Neck #1 - Head Tilt Forward
  • Stand up with your back straight and tilt your head down towards your chest.
  • Tilt your head back to its starting position after a short pause.
  • Be careful not to tilt your head back too far.

Neck #2 – Head Tilt Sideways

Neck #2 - Head Tilt Sideways
  • Stand up with your back straight and tilt your head sideways towards your left shoulder.
  • Tilt your head back towards its starting position but continue on to the right shoulder.
  • Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.

Neck #3 – Head Left-to-Right Rotation

Neck #3 - Head Left-to-Right Rotation
  • Stand up with your back straight and rotate your head to the left.
  • Rotate your head back and continue on to the right side.
  • Chain together these steps to accomplish fluid and smooth movements.

Shoulder #1 – Arm-in-Front Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder #1 - Arm-in-Front Shoulder Stretch
  • Stand up and grab your right elbow in front of your chest using your left hand.
  • Stretch by pulling your elbow towards your chest for several seconds and alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise will stretch your shoulder muscles.

Shoulder #2 – Upper-Arm-Up Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder #2 - Upper-Arm-Up Shoulder Stretch
  • Stand up and grab your right elbow up on the side of your head using your left hand.
  • Stretch by pulling your elbow towards the back of your head and hold for several seconds before moving on the other side.
  • This exercise will stretch your shoulder and triceps muscles.

Shoulder #3 – Sideways Arms Swing

Shoulder #3 - Sideways Arms Swing
  • Stand up and extend your arms out to each side.
  • Swing your arms in and out while keeping them straight throughout.
  • This exercise will stretch your shoulders and chest muscles alternately.

Shoulder #4 – Arms Behind Back Reach

Shoulder #4 - Arms Behind Back Reach
  • Stand up, put your left hand behind your back over your left shoulder and your right hand behind your back against your lower back.
  • Stretch by moving your hands towards each other, holding on to one another if you can and hold the stretch for several seconds.
  • This exercise will mainly stretch your shoulder muscles.

Shoulder #5 – Shoulder Stretch (Ball)

Shoulder #5 - Shoulder Stretch (Ball)
  • Crouch down on the floor on your right knee and your left foot, exercise ball in front of you and your right hand lying across the exercise ball.
  • Stretch by applying weight down onto your shoulder and alternate sides after several seconds.
  • This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your shoulders.

Shoulder #6 – Kneeling Twist (Ball)

Shoulder #6 - Kneeling Twist (Ball)
  • Lie down on your knees on the floor, ball in front of you with your hands on top of it, arms fully extended.
  • Stretch by rolling your upper body down to one side while keeping your hands on the exercise ball.
  • This exercise will stretch your back shoulder muscles.

Shoulder #7 – Shoulder Chest and Hips Stretch (Ball)

Shoulder #7 - Shoulder Chest and Hips Stretch (Ball)
  • Lie down on your left knee, your right leg fully extended out back and place your hands on top of the exercise ball in front of you.
  • Stretch by pushing yourself down while keeping your hands on top of the exercise ball. Alternate sides after several seconds.
  • This exercise will stretch your shoulder muscles as well as the muscles located in your thighs.

Chest #1 – Chest Stretch (Ball)

Chest #1 - Chest Stretch (Ball)
  • Stand in front of a wall and hold the exercise ball with your left hand up high.
  • Stretch by extending your body and pulling yourself down towards the wall.
  • This exercise will stretch your chest muscles primarily.

Abs #1 – Back Roll (Ball)

Abs #1 - Back Roll (Ball)
  • Lie on your back on the exercise ball.
  • Stretch by extending your arms and legs fully.
  • This exercise stretches your abdominal muscles as well as your chest muscles.

Back #1 – Trunk Rotation

Back #1 - Trunk Rotation
  • Stand up and position your hands on each side of your hips, elbows slightly bent.
  • Rotate your trunk to your left, then rotate it all the way to your right in one smooth motion. Repeat this a few times.
  • This exercise will stretch your back, chest and abdominal muscles.

Back #2 – Arm Up Upper Body Sideways Stretch

Back #2 - Arm Up Upper Body Sideways Stretch
  • Stand up and raise your right arm straight up.
  • Titl your upper body at the hips to your left in order to stretch the entire right side of your body. Alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise stretches your back and your abdominal muscles.

Back #3 – Lower Back Stretch (Sitting)

Back #3 - Lower Back Stretch (Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, back straight, legs in front of you wide from each other with your knees bent in front of your chest.
  • Stretch by tilting your upper body forward.
  • This exercise will stretch your lower back.

Back #4 – Trunk Rotation (Sitting)

Back #4 - Trunk Rotation (Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, legs straight, away from each other.
  • Stretch by rotating your upper body to one side then to the other.
  • This exercise will stretch your back muscles.

Back #5 – Upper Body Side Stretch (Sitting)

Back #5 - Upper Body Side Stretch (Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, left leg extended to its side, right leg folded in front of you.
  • Stretch by raising your arms straight up and tilting your upper body towards your left leg. Alternate sides.
  • This exercise stretches the muscles located in your legs and in your back.

Back #6 – Full Body Stretch (Lying on Back)

Back #6 - Full Body Stretch (Lying on Back)
  • Lie on your back on the floor and extend your legs down and your arms up.
  • Stretch by trying to make yourself taller, by pulling/pushing your feet and hands away from each other.
  • This exercise stretches your entire body.

Back #7 – Hip Twist Stretch (Lying on Back)

Back #7 - Hip Twist Stretch (Lying on Back)
  • Lie on your back on the floor and cross your right leg all the way over your left, both fully extended.
  • Stretch by rotating your upper body as far as you can by pushing your leg as far as you can. Alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your back and your hips.

Back #8 – Ball Roll (Lying on Back)

Back #8 - Ball Roll (Lying on Back)
  • Lie on your back on the floor, thighs propped up over your chest, knees bent.
  • Stretch by pulling on the back of your thighs with your hands.
  • This exercise stretches your buttocks, lower back and hamstrings.

Back #9 – Side Lying Stretch (Ball)

Back #9 - Side Lying Stretch (Ball)
  • Lie with your left side on the exercise ball, right leg extended out to maintain balance.
  • Stretch by extending your right side fully and alternate sides when completed.
  • This exercise stretches your back, abdominal and chest muscles.

tretch exercises for the lower body will allow you to stretch the following muscle groups:

  • Hips
  • Back Thighs (Hamstrings)
  • Front Thighs (Quadriceps)
  • Inner Thighs
  • Calves

Browse through the selection of stretch exercises for the lower body below:

Legs #1 – Side Leg Stretch (High)

Legs #1 - Side Leg Stretch (High)
  • Spread your legs apart from one another and move your weight on your left leg, flexing your left knee while keeping your right leg fully extended.
  • Stretch by lowering yourself down and hold the stretch position for several seconds before switching legs.
  • This exercise will stretch your inner thigh muscles primarily.

Legs #2 – Side Leg Stretch (Low)

Legs #2 - Side Leg Stretch (Low)
  • Crouch down, feet wide apart, with your right knee flexed but your right leg fully extended.
  • Move your left hand towards your left ankle to increase the stretch, hold for several seconds and change sides.
  • This exercise will again stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #3 – Front Leg Stretch

Legs #3 - Front Leg Stretch
  • Stand on your right leg and hold your left foot with your left hand behind your buttocks.
  • Stretch by pulling on your foot and hold for several seconds before changing sides.
  • This exercise is excellent at stretching your quadriceps, located in front of your thighs.

Legs #4 – Step Forward Calf Stretch

Legs #4 - Step Forward Calf Stretch
  • Stand on your right foot, knee flexed and extend your left leg back, both feet pointing forward.
  • Stretch your calf by trying to rest your left foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and change sides.
  • Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #5 – Step Up Calf Stretch

Legs #5 - Step Up Calf Stretch
  • Stand up and put your right foot on top of a step in front of you and extend your left leg back, feet pointing forward.
  • Stretch your calf by trying to rest your left foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and change sides.
  • Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #6 – Push Forward Calf Stretch

Legs #6 - Push Forward Calf Stretch
  • Stand in front of the wall, put your hands on it, and extend your right leg back, foot pointing forward.
  • Stretch your calf by trying to rest your right foot flat on the ground, hold for several seconds and change sides.
  • Use this exercise to stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #7 – Hamstring Stretch

Legs #7 - Hamstring Stretch
  • Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down a little.
  • Pull your right-foot toes towards you and move your hands towards them to stretch. Alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.

Legs #8 – Hamstring Stretch (low)

Legs #8 - Hamstring Stretch (low)
  • Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee to lower yourself down as far as you can.
  • Pull your right-foot toes towards you and control the stretch by putting weight on your hands on the floor as required. Alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise stretches your hamstrings and your calf muscles.

Legs #9 – Reach Ankle Stretch (Standing)

Legs #9 - Reach Ankle Stretch (Standing)
  • Stand up, knees slightly bent and bend your hips to lower your upper body down in front of your knees.
  • Try to bring your hands towards your ankles to stretch and hold for several seconds.
  • This exercise will stretch your leg and back muscles.

Legs # 10 – Hip Sideways Stretch (Sitting)

Legs # 10 - Hip Sideways Stretch (Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, rotate your upper body to your right, grab your right leg at the knee while it is slightly bent, foot across your left leg.
  • Stretch by pushing on your right leg with your left elbow to rotate your upper body further. Alternate sides.
  • This exercise stretches your hips and your back muscles.

Legs #11 – Hands-on-Knees Leg Stretch (Sitting)

Legs #11 - Hands-on-Knees Leg Stretch (Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, knees bent in front of you, the sole of your feet pressed against each other.
  • Stretch by pushing down on your knees and hold for several seconds.
  • This exercise will stretch your inner thigh muscles.

Legs #12 – Stretch to Ankles (High; Sitting)

Legs #12 - Stretch to Ankles (High; Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent.
  • Stretch by titling your upper body forward and bring your extended arms towards your toes.
  • This exercise will mainly stretch your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.

Legs #13 – Stretch to Ankles (Low; Sitting)

Legs #13 - Stretch to Ankles (Low; Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent.
  • Stretch by titling your upper body forward and bring your extended arms towards your ankles.
  • This exercise will mainly stretch your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.

Legs #14 – Side Stretch to Ankles (Sitting)

Legs #14 - Side Stretch to Ankles (Sitting)
  • Sit down on the floor, legs extended and apart from each other.
  • Stretch by tilting your upper body towards one foot, bringing your extended arm towards it and switch sides after holding for several seconds.
  • This exercise stretches your back, hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles.

Legs #15 – Side Knee Hold (Lying on Back)

Legs #15 - Side Knee Hold (Lying on Back)
  • Lie on your back on the floor, cross your right leg over your left, knee bent.
  • Stretch by pushing down on your right knee with your left hand. Alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your hips.

Legs #16 – Front Leg Stretch (Lying on Side)

Legs #16 - Front Leg Stretch (Lying on Side)
  • Lie on your left side on the floor, left leg forward and right leg held back, knees bent.
  • Stretch by pulling your right foot using your right hand. Alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise stretches mainly your quadriceps muscles.

Legs #17 – Knee Hold Up (Lying on Back)

Legs #17 - Knee Hold Up (Lying on Back)
  • Lie on your back on the floor and prop your right leg up against your chest.
  • Stretch by pulling on the back of your right thigh and alternate sides when done.
  • This exercise stretches mainly your hamstrings muscles.

Legs #18 – Hi Stretch (Ball)

Legs #18 - Hi Stretch (Ball)
  • Lie down on your back on the floor, put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, knee at a 90 degree angle and your right foot against the top of your left knee.
  • Stretch by pushing your right knee down towards the ball with your hands and alternate sides after several seconds.
  • This exercise will stretch the muscles located in your inner thighs.

Legs #19 – Hamstring Stretch (Ball) – Lying

Legs #19 - Hamstring Stretch (Ball) - Lying
  • Lie down on your back on the floor in front of a wall and put your legs up straight against an exercise ball pressed against the wall.
  • Stretch by moving your body closer to the wall while maintaining your feet still on the exercise ball.
  • This exercise will stretch your hamstrings as well as your calf muscles.

Legs #20 – Hamstring Stretch (Ball) – Standing

Legs #20 - Hamstring Stretch (Ball) - Standing
  • Stand on your left foot and put your right foot on top of an exercise ball in front of you, both legs fully extended.
  • Stretch by tilting your upper body down towards the exercise ball while keeping your feet in place. Alternate sides after several seconds.
  • This exercise is very effective at stretching your hamstrings and your calf muscles.

Legs #21 – Hip Flexor Stretch (Ball)

Legs #21 - Hip Flexor Stretch (Ball)
  • Stand up with your left leg in front of you, right leg back, both fully extended, your left thigh slightly held on top of an exercise ball.
  • Stretch by rolling your left leg forward while keeping your right leg back. Alternate sides after holding a several seconds.
  • This exercise is an effective way to target the muscles in your hips.

Legs #22 – Quadriceps Stretch (Ball)

Legs #22 - Quadriceps Stretch (Ball)
  • Stand up and place your right foot on the exercise ball behind you, knee at a 90 degree angle.
  • Stretch by lowering yourself down while keeping your right foot on the exercise ball and alternate sides after holding several seconds.
  • This exercise will stretch your quadriceps.

Legs #23 – Calf and Hamstring Stretch (Ball)

Legs #23 - Calf and Hamstring Stretch (Ball)
  • Sit on an exercise ball and rest your feet in front of you, legs extended.
  • Stretch by pulling your toes towards you while keeping your legs still.
  • This exercise will stretch your calf muscles.

Legs #24 – Calf Stretch (Ball)

Legs #24 - Calf Stretch (Ball)
  • Sit on an exercise ball in a way that makes it touch your buttocks as well as your calf muscles.
  • Stretch by rolling slightly forwards while keeping your feet flat on the ground.
  • This exercise is also excellent at stretching your calf muscles.

Ankles #1 – Inside Ankle Stretch

Ankles #1 - Inside Ankle Stretch
  • Stand up with your ankles titled towards each other.
  • Stretch by tilting your feet towards each other.
  • This exercise will stretch your ankles.

Ankles #2 – Outside Ankle Stretch

Ankles #2 - Outside Ankle Stretch
  • Stand up with your ankles titled away from each other.
  • Stretch by tilting your feet away from each other.
  • This exercise will stretch your ankles.

Streches to do before Weight training

Stretches for Weight Training

By Bob Anderson, Drawings by Jean Anderson
Source: Getting Stronger
 by Bill Pearl


Bob Anderson, author of Stretching, has designed this stretching program for weight training. The stretches should be done before and after working out and can also be done between sets, while you are resting.

The Two Phases of Stretching

The easy stretch: Stretch to where you feel a slight, easy tension. Hold this for 5-30 seconds, and as you do, the tension should diminish. If not, ease off a bit until it feels comfortable. This easy stretch gets the tissues ready for the developmental stretch.

The developmental stretch: After holding the easy stretch, move a fraction of an inch farther into the stretch until you feel the slight tension again. This is the developmental stretch and should be held for 5-30 seconds. This is an excellent way to increase flexibility and get the muscles ready for a workout.

Basic Stretching Rules:

  • Stretch slowly and with control
  • No bouncing
  • No pain
  • Don’t compare your flexibility with others
  • The key is to relax
  • Breathing should be slow, rhythmical. Don’t hold breath.
  • Hold only stretch tensions that feel good




Bring knees together and rest feet on floor. Interlace fingers behind head and rest arms on the mat. Using the power of your arms, slowly bring head, neck, and shoulders forward until you feel a slight stretch. Hold easy stretch for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.



Next, straighten both legs and relax, then pull left leg towards your chest. Keep back of head on the mat, if possible, but don’t strain. Hold an easy stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat, pulling right leg toward chest.



From bent knee position, interlace fingers behind head and lift left leg over right leg. Use left leg to pull right leg toward floor until you feel a stretch along the side of your hip and lower back. Keep upper back, shoulders, and elbows flat on floor. You don’t have to touch the floor with your right knee, just stretch within your limits. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat stretch for other side.



Put soles of feet together with heels a comfortable distance from groin. Now, pull hands around feet and slowly pull yourself forward until you feel an easy stretch in the groin. Bend forward from hips and not from shoulders. If possible, keep elbows on outside of lower legs for stability. Hold comfortable stretch for 30-40 seconds.



Sit with right leg straight. Put left foot outside of right knee, with left knee bent. Bend right elbow and rest it on outside of upper left thigh, just above knee. During the stretch use elbow to keep this leg stationary with controlled pressure to the inside. Now, with left hand resting behind you, slowly turn head to look over left shoulder, and at the same time rotate upper body toward left hand and arm. As you turn upper body, think of turning hips in the same direction (though hips won’t move). This should stretch lower back and side of hip. Hold for 15 seconds. Do both sides./P>



Next, straighten right leg. The sole of left foot will be resting next to inside of straightened leg. Lean slightly forward from the hips and stretch hamstrings of right leg. Find an easy stretch and relax. If you can’t touch your toes comfortably, use a towel to help. Hold for 50 seconds. Do not lock your knee. Right quadricep should be soft and relaxed. Keep right foot upright with ankle and toes relaxed.



With feet shoulder width apart and pointed out at about 15 degree angle, heels on ground, bend knees and squat down. If you have trouble staying in this position hold on to something for support. A great stretch for ankles, Achilles tendons, groin, lower back and hips. Hold for 30 seconds. Be careful of you have had any knee problems. If pain is present, stop.



Move one leg forward until knee of forward leg is directly over ankle. Other knee is resting on floor. Now, without changing the position of knee on floor or forward foot, lower front of hip downward to create an easy stretch. This stretch should be felt in front of hip and possibly in hamstrings and groin. This helps relieve tension in lower back. Hold for 30 seconds. Do both legs.



Opposite hand to opposite foot — quad and knee stretch. Hold top of left foot (from inside of foot) with right hand and gently pull, heel moving toward buttocks. Knee bends at natural angle and creates a good stretch in knee and quadriceps. Pulling opposite hand to opposite foot does not create any adverse angles in the knee and is especially good for knee rehab and problem knees. Hold for 30 seconds. Do both legs.



To stretch calf, stand a little way back from a solid support and lean on it with forearms, head resting on hands. Bend one leg and place foot on ground in front of you, leaving other leg straight. Slowly move hips forward until you feel a stretch in calf of straight leg. Be sure to keep heel of foot on ground and toes pointed straight ahead. Hold easy stretch for 30 seconds. Do not bounce. Stretch both legs.



To stretch the soleus and Achilles tendon, slightly bend back knee, keeping foot flat. This gives a much lower stretch — also good for maintaining or regaining flexibility. Hold for 15 seconds, each leg.



Place both hands shoulder width apart on fence or ledge and let upper body drop down as you keep knees slightly bent (1 inch). Hips should be directly above feet. To change the area of the stretch, bend knees just a bit more and/or place hands at different heights. Find a stretch that you can hold for at least 30 seconds. This will take some of the kinks out of a tired upper back. The top of the refrigerator or a file cabinet are good to use for this stretch. (Remember to always bend knees when coming out of this stretch.)



In standing or sitting position, interlace fingers above head. Now, with palms facing upward, push arms slightly back and up. Feel the stretch in arms, shoulders, and upper back. Hold for 15 seconds. Do not hold breath. Good to do anywhere, anytime. Excellent for slumping shoulders.



The next stretch is done with the fingers interlaced behind neck. Slowly turn elbows inward while straightening arms. An excellent stretch for shoulders and arms. Good to do when you find yourself slumping forward from your shoulders. Hold for 5-15 seconds. Do twice.



With arms overhead, hold elbow of one arm with other hand. Keeping knees slightly bent (1 inch), gently pull elbow behind head as you bend from hips to side. Hold easy stretch for 10 seconds. Do both sides. Keeping knees slightly bent will give you better balance.

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Therapy Ball Exercises


Ball Dumbbell Press

Ball Dumbbell Press
  • Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells on each side of your chest.
  • Push the dumbbells straight up and slowly lower them down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.


Ball Dumbbell Press – Incline

Ball Dumbbell Press - Incline
  • Lie on your back, shoulder blades against the exercise ball, back extended but hips and knees flexed and hold dumbbells on each side of your chest.
  • Push the dumbbells straight up and slowly lower them down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.


Ball Push Up

Ball Push Up
  • Lie prone with your hands on top of the exercise ball, legs and back fully extended.
  • Push yourself up by extending your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.


Ball Push Up – on Knees

Ball Push Up - on Knees
  • Kneel down in front of the ball with your hands on top of the exercise ball, back extended.
  • Push yourself up by extending your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Push Up – Feet Up

Ball Push Up - Feet Up
  • Lie prone with your thighs on top of the exercise ball, legs and back fully extended and hands on the floor, elbows bent.
  • Push yourself up by extending your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Chest Fly

Ball Chest Fly
  • Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells out to each side of your body.
  • Keeping your elbows just slightly bent, roll the dumbbells in and up and slowly lower them down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while pulling the dumbbells in and up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Chest Fly – One-at-a-Time

Ball Chest Fly - One-at-a-Time
  • Lie on your back, shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, back extended, knees flexed at 90 degree angles and hold the handle out to one side of your body.
  • Keeping your elbows just slightly bent, pull the handle in and up and slowly lower it down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
  • Breathe out while pulling the handle and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Bear Hugs

Ball Bear Hugs
  • Sit on a bench with your back straight and grip the exercise ball against your chest, hands on each side of it.
  • Squeeze the ball towards your chest and slowly allow it to squeeze out after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Rear Deltoid Row

Ball Rear Deltoid Row
  • Lie prone with your belly against the exercise ball, back and legs extended and hold dumbbells down to your sides, arms extended.
  • Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows are at 90 degree angles then rotate them up and slowly lower them down after a short pause.
  • When rotating up keep the angle in your elbows still throughout.

Ball Rear Deltoid Raise – Elbows Bent

Ball Rear Deltoid Raise - Elbows Bent
  • Lie prone with your belly against the exercise ball, back and legs extended and hold dumbbells down to your sides, elbows at 90 degree angles.
  • Keeping the angles in your elbows still raise your ebows up until your upper arms are parallel to the floor and slowly lower them back down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while rolling up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Rear Deltoid Raise – Lying Sideways

Ball Rear Deltoid Raise - Lying Sideways
  • Lean on your left side pressed against the exercise ball, back and legs extended and hold a dumbbell with your right hand, arms extended.
  • Keeping the angle in your elbow still raise the dumbbell out and up and slowly lower it back after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while raising and breathe in while returing to starting position.

Ball Scapular Protraction

Ball Scapular Protraction
  • Lie prone with your hands on top of the exercise ball, back and legs extended.
  • Push yourself up by only moving your shoulder blades away from each other and allow them to slowly return after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while raising and breathe in while returing to starting position.

Ball Shoulder Rotation

Ball Shoulder Rotation
  • Lie prone with your belly against the exercise ball, back and legs extended and hold dumbbells out to your sides, elbows at 90 degree angles.
  • Keeping the angles in your elbows still throughout roll the dumbbells up until your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  • Breathe out while rolling up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Biceps Curl – Standing

Ball Biceps Curl - Standing
  • Stand up with your back against the exercise ball, itself against the wall and hold dumbbells down the sides of your body.
  • Raise the dumbbells towards your shoulders and slowly lower them back after a short pause.
  • Keep your back and upper arms still throughout.

Ball Biceps Curl – on Knees, One-at-a-Time

Ball Biceps Curl - on Knees, One-at-a-Time
  • Kneel down in front of the exercise ball and rest your upper arm on top of it while holding a dumbbell.
  • Raise the dumbbell towards your shoulder and slowly lower it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
  • Keep your back and upper arm still throughout.

Ball Triceps Extension

Ball Triceps Extension
  • Lie prone with your forearms on top of the exercise ball, back and legs fully extended.
  • Push yourself up by rolling the ball towards your hands to extend your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • Focus on exercising the triceps.

Ball Triceps Extension – Standing

Ball Triceps Extension - Standing
  • Stand up and place your forearms against the exercise ball, itself against the wall in front of your chest.
  • Push yourself back by rolling the ball towards your hands to extend your arms and slowly return back after a short pause.
  • Focus on exercising the triceps.

Ball Triceps Extension – Weighted

Ball Triceps Extension - Weighted
  • Lie on your back, shoulder blades against the exercise ball, buttocks off the floor and hold dumbbells on each side of your head, upper arms perpendicular to the floor.
  • Raise the dumbbells up by straightening your arms and slowly lower them back after a short pause.
  • Keep your upper arms still throughout.

Ball Wrist Curl

Ball Wrist Curl
  • Kneel in front of the exercise ball, rest your forearms on it and grasp the handles with your palms facing up.
  • Pull the handles by curling your wrists and allow them to slowly return after a short pause.
  • Keep your forearms pressed against the ball throughout.


Ball Crunch

Ball Crunch
  • Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears.
  • Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Crunch – Legs Elevated

Ball Crunch - Legs Elevated
  • Lie on your back, calves on top of the exercise ball and arms across your chest.
  • Roll your shoulder blades up and lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Reverse Crunch

Ball Reverse Crunch
  • Lie on your back, calves and hamstrings pressed against the exercise ball and arms spread out.
  • Squeeze the ball with your legs and roll your knees towards your chest then roll back down after a short pause.
  • To avoid straining your neck, look straight up instead of looking at your knees.

Ball Side Crunch

Ball Side Crunch
  • Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to give you balance.
  • Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate sides after each completed set.
  • Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Sit-Up

Ball Sit-Up
  • Lie on your lower back on the exercise ball and place your hands behind your ears.
  • Raise your upper body up from the ball and lower it back down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while contracting your ab muscles and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Jacknife

Ball Jacknife
  • Place your ankles on top of the exercise ball, legs extended, chest facing the floor and extend your arms to lift you from the floor.
  • Keeping your weight on your extended arms, roll the ball in by bending your knees and hips and extend your legs back after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while rolling the ball in and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Ab Rollout

Ball Ab Rollout
  • Lie on your knees, place your hands on top of the exercise ball in front of you, arms extended and back straight.
  • Keeping your back and arms extended, roll on top of the ball until your upper arms are pressed against it and pull yourself back up after a short pause.
  • Keep your arms extended and your back straight throughout.

Ball Table Top

Ball Table Top
  • Lie on your knees, place your forearms on top of the exercise ball in front of you, elbows at 90 degree angles and back straight.
  • Raise your knees from the floor by rolling forward on the ball until your legs are fully extended and return back after a short pause.
  • Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Bridge T Fall-Off

Ball Bridge T Fall-Off
  • Lie on your shoulder blades on top of the exercise ball, knees at 90 degree angles, back straight and extend your arms out to keep balance.
  • Roll off the ball slightly to one side and return back after a short pause. Alternate sides between each repetitions.
  • Keep your back straight throughout.

Ball Hyperextension

Ball Hyperextension
  • Kneel down in front of the exercise ball, your belly pressed on top of it and place your hands on each side of the ball.
  • Extend your back by extending your arms and legs and return to starting position after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while extending and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Hyperextension – Reverse

Ball Hyperextension - Reverse
  • Lie prone on top of the exercise ball which is itself on top of a bench, legs down but extended and grip the bench with both hands to maintain balance.
  • Raise your legs up while keeping your legs extended and slowly lower them down after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while raising your legs and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Row – Upside-Down

Ball Row - Upside-Down
  • Lie on your back, place your ankles on the exercise ball, legs extended and grip the barbell with your hands, arms extended.
  • Raise your upper body up by pulling with your arms and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause.
  • Keep your legs and back fully extended throughout.

Ball Bridge

Ball Bridge
  • Crouch down on your feet, press your shoulder blades against the exercise ball behind you and place your hands across your chest.
  • Without moving your feet, extend your back until it is parallel to the floor and lower it back after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while extending and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Arm-Leg Extension – Alternating

Ball Arm-Leg Extension - Alternating
  • Lie prone on top of the exercise ball, your belly pressed against it and maintain balance with your feet and hands on the floor.
  • Extend your left arm and right leg out and up and lower them back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each repetition.
  • Breathe out while extending and breathe in while returning to starting position.

all Squat – on Wall

Ball Squat - on Wall
  • Crouch with your back pressed against the exercise ball, itself against the wall, knees at 90 degree angles and place your hands behind your ears.
  • Raise yourself up by extending your legs and slowly lower youself back after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Squat – on Wall; Weighted

Ball Squat - on Wall; Weighted
  • Crouch with your back pressed against the exercise ball, itself against the wall, knees at 90 degree angles and hold dumbbells with your hands down your body.
  • Raise yourself up by extending your legs and slowly lower youself back after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Squat – on Wall; Sideways; One-Legged

Ball Squat - on Wall; Sideways; One-Legged
  • Crouch on one leg with your side pressed against the exercise ball, itself against the wall with your knee at a 90 degree angle.
  • Raise yourself up by extending your leg and slowly lower yourself back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
  • Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Squat – One-Legged

Ball Squat - One-Legged
  • Stand with one ankle on top of the exercise ball behind you and crouch down until your knee is at a 90 degree angle.
  • Raise yourself up by extending your leg and slowly lower yourself back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
  • Breathe out while raising yourself up and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Hip Abduction

Ball Hip Abduction
  • Stand with the wall on your right side and hold the exercise ball up from the floor against the wall with your right thigh, knee bent.
  • Squeeze the ball by pressing your leg against it and slowly bring it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
  • Breathe out while pushing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Hip Adduction

Ball Hip Adduction
  • Stand on your right leg and put your left foot on top of the exercise ball, leg extended to your side.
  • Roll the exercise ball towards you by bringing your leg in and slowly roll it back after a short pause. Alternate sides after each set.
  • Breathe out while rolling in and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Leg Curl

Ball Leg Curl
  • Lie on your back and grasp the exercise ball using your calves and your thighs.
  • Squeeze the exercise ball by pulling your feet towards your buttocks and slowly unsqueeze after a short pause.
  • Breathe out while squeezing and breathe in while returning to starting position.

Ball Reverse Leg Curl

Ball Reverse Leg Curl
  • Lie on your back, feet on top of the exercise ball, legs and back straight.
  • Roll the exercise ball towards you by bending your knees and allow it to slowly return back after a short pause.
  • Keep your back straight throughout.

How to build neck muscles

They say you get bulging discs due to muscle imbalances in the body and that these muscles need to  be built and strengthned in order to remove the stress on the back.

These are the following exercises that can be done for the neck:


 These neck exercises will help to make your neck stronger. This includes your cervical paraspinal muscles, and subocciptial muscles. These exercises are called Isometric exercises. Isometric exercise is a type of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. In simple terms this means that in these exercises the length of the muscle does not change. As you continue to do these strengthening exercises for the cervical spine you will gain strength in your neck. Over time you should be able to increase the force and number of times you are able to perform the exercises.

Exercise to strengthen the neck muscles: Press palms against forehead and push against each other

  1. Press your palms against your forehead and push against each other, resisting motion. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat this exercise 3 times. 

    Exercise to Strengthen the Neck Muscles: Place your hand agains the side of your head and attempt to bring your ear to your shoulder, resisting motion

  2. With this next cervical strengthening exercise place your hand against the side of your head. Try to bring to your ear to your shoulder, resisting the motion. Repeat this exercise on the other side. Hold each position for 5 seconds and when finished relax slowly. 

    Exercise to Strengthen the Neck: Cup both hands against the back of your head and try to push your head back, resisting motion

  3. Cup both hands against the back of your head. Attempt to push your head back, resisting the motion. Hold this position for 5 seconds, and when finished relax slowly. 

    Exercise to Strengthen the Neck: Place your Right hand agains your right temple. Atempt to turn your chin to your right shoulder, resisting motion

  4. In the final cervical strengthening exercise, put your right hand against the right temple. Attempt to turn your chin to your right shoulder, resisting the motion. Repeat this on the left side. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax slowly. Do this neck exercise 3 times.

5. Shoulder Blade Squeeze


Begin this exercise standing or sitting with your back straight. Your chin should be tucked in slightly and your shoulders should be back slightly. Slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together as hard and far as possible provided it does not cause or increase pain (figure 1). Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Neck Exercises - Shoulder Blade Squeezes



Dumbbell shrug

dumbbell shrug exercise

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a weight in each hand, and allow your arms to hang down at your sides, with your palms facing your body. Shrug your shoulders upward, contracting the upper trapezius muscle, hold for one count, and lower. Repeat eight to 12 times per set. (Starting weight: 17 to 26 pounds.)

7.One-arm row

one-arm row exerciseStand with your left knee on a flat bench and your right foot on the floor. Hold a weight in your right hand. Bend your torso forward, placing your left hand on the bench for support. Allow the weighted hand to hang down toward the floor. Pull the weight up until your upper arm is parallel with your back, pause, and then lower it. Repeat eight to 12 times per set. Switch to the left side, and repeat. (Starting weight: 13 to 22 pounds.)


Upright row

upright row exercise

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the weights down in front of your thighs, with your palms facing your body. Slowly bring the weights straight up, as if you were zipping up a jacket. Slowly lower the 9weights to their original position. Repeat eight to 12 times per set. (Starting weight: 4 to 11 pounds.


Reverse fly

reverse fly exercise

Lie on a bench at a 45-degree angle. Hold a weight in each hand and allow your arms to extend down toward the floor. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, lift the weights up and out to the side to about shoulder level. Slowly lower the weights. Repeat eight to 12 times per set. (Starting weight: 2 to 6 pounds.)


Lateral raise

lateral raise exercise

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Lift your arms up to the sides until they are parallel with the floor. Your elbows should be slightly bent. Slowly lower your arms. Repeat eight to 12 times per set. (Starting weight: 4 to 9 pounds.)